Managing Zones | Cloud DNS Documentation | Google Cloud

DNS de Google - Pourquoi et comment les utiliser Google possède des serveurs DNS qui sont mis à jour rapidement et qui ne souffrent pas de censure. A contrario, cela donne à Google un contrôle de plus sur le web mondial. Cloud DNS documentation | Cloud DNS - Google Cloud Cloud DNS documentation Publish your domain names by using Google's infrastructure for production-quality, high-volume DNS services. Google's global network of anycast name servers provide Add a CNAME record to your domain's DNS records - Google Help Go to your domain’s DNS records. Add a record to your DNS settings, selecting CNAME as the record type. Return to the first window or tab and copy the contents of the Label/Host field. Paste the copied contents into the Label or Host field with your DNS records. Return to the first window or tab and copy the contents of the Destination/Target How to Enable DNS Over HTTPS in Google Chrome

Jul 04, 2020

To be more technical, DNS converts all messages from a domain into a form of IP address. The real problem arises when someone enters a URL in their browser; it's up to DNS to find a server with the


Please note, for these steps, you should modify ONLY the bottom two fields stating “Use the following DNS server addresses”. Below are some public DNS servers. We recommend using either Google DNS or CloudFlare DNS. Prior to using the DNS servers, it is recommended to ensure these IP addresses are still in use. Google Public DNS:; 8 How to Add Google Public DNS to Your Wi-Fi Router Jan 22, 2020